

[EN] Recently, we have added module/library support. That means you can export all your functions/variables and use them in another script.

Here's an example of how that works: [RU] Недавно мы добавили поддержку модулей / библиотек. Это означает, что вы можете экспортировать все свои функции / переменные и использовать их в другом скрипте.

Вот пример того, как это работает:

/* module.js */

exports.your_function_from_module1 = function()
    Global.Print("Hello from export 1\n");

function test_func()
    Global.Print("Hello from export 2\n");

exports.your_function_from_module2 = test_func;

var test_variable = "test";
exports.your_variable_from_module = test_variable;

/* script.js */

var mod = require("module.js");




[EN] List of CSGO events [RU] Список событий CSGO



Very simple, follow tutorial below to learn something new today, for free! 1. Find a script that you want to use, I will use dylan's "snaplines" script for this example.

2. Copy the script just like this:

3. Open Notepad++ or any other text editor, click File -> New just like this:

4. Paste your script by either CTRL+V or right click -> paste:

5. Press File -> Save As -> Navigate to script folder (default: C:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\ot\scripts ) just like this:

6, Edit the file name to whatever you wanna name your script, i used snaplines.js in this example. IMPORTANT PART IS THAT YOU SET .js EXTENSION!

Now you should be able to find the script in your Misc tab -> JAVASCRIPT.


List can be found here: Format is - Table name > Prop name [ type ]


CAI_BaseNPC = 0
CWeaponCubemap = 0
CItem = 0
CItemAssaultSuitUseable = 0
CPropVehicleChoreoGeneric = 0
NextBotCombatCharacter = 0
CAK47 = 1
CBaseAnimating = 2
CBaseAnimatingOverlay = 3
CBaseAttributableItem = 4
CBaseButton = 5
CBaseCombatCharacter = 6
CBaseCombatWeapon = 7
CBaseCSGrenade = 8
CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile = 9
CBaseDoor = 10
CBaseEntity = 11
CBaseFlex = 12
CBaseGrenade = 13
CBaseParticleEntity = 14
CBasePlayer = 15
CBasePropDoor = 16
CBaseTeamObjectiveResource = 17
CBaseTempEntity = 18
CBaseToggle = 19
CBaseTrigger = 20
CBaseViewModel = 21
CBaseVPhysicsTrigger = 22
CBaseWeaponWorldModel = 23
CBeam = 24
CBeamSpotlight = 25
CBoneFollower = 26
CBRC4Target = 27
CBreachCharge = 28
CBreachChargeProjectile = 29
CBreakableProp = 30
CBreakableSurface = 31
CBumpMine = 32
CBumpMineProjectile = 33
CC4 = 34
CCascadeLight = 35
CChicken = 36
CColorCorrection = 37
CColorCorrectionVolume = 38
CCSGameRulesProxy = 39
CCSPlayer = 40
CCSPlayerResource = 41
CCSRagdoll = 42
CCSTeam = 43
CDangerZone = 44
CDangerZoneController = 45
CDEagle = 46
CDecoyGrenade = 47
CDecoyProjectile = 48
CDrone = 49
CDronegun = 50
CDynamicLight = 51
CDynamicProp = 52
CEconEntity = 53
CEconWearable = 54
CEmbers = 55
CEntityDissolve = 56
CEntityFlame = 57
CEntityFreezing = 58
CEntityParticleTrail = 59
CEnvAmbientLight = 60
CEnvDetailController = 61
CEnvDOFController = 62
CEnvGasCanister = 63
CEnvParticleScript = 64
CEnvProjectedTexture = 65
CEnvQuadraticBeam = 66
CEnvScreenEffect = 67
CEnvScreenOverlay = 68
CEnvTonemapController = 69
CEnvWind = 70
CFEPlayerDecal = 71
CFireCrackerBlast = 72
CFireSmoke = 73
CFireTrail = 74
CFish = 75
CFists = 76
CFlashbang = 77
CFogController = 78
CFootstepControl = 79
CFunc_Dust = 80
CFunc_LOD = 81
CFuncAreaPortalWindow = 82
CFuncBrush = 83
CFuncConveyor = 84
CFuncLadder = 85
CFuncMonitor = 86
CFuncMoveLinear = 87
CFuncOccluder = 88
CFuncReflectiveGlass = 89
CFuncRotating = 90
CFuncSmokeVolume = 91
CFuncTrackTrain = 92
CGameRulesProxy = 93
CGrassBurn = 94
CHandleTest = 95
CHEGrenade = 96
CHostage = 97
CHostageCarriableProp = 98
CIncendiaryGrenade = 99
CInferno = 100
CInfoLadderDismount = 101
CInfoMapRegion = 102
CInfoOverlayAccessor = 103
CItem_Healthshot = 104
CItemCash = 105
CItemDogtags = 106
CKnife = 107
CKnifeGG = 108
CLightGlow = 109
CMaterialModifyControl = 110
CMelee = 111
CMolotovGrenade = 112
CMolotovProjectile = 113
CMovieDisplay = 114
CParadropChopper = 115
CParticleFire = 116
CParticlePerformanceMonitor = 117
CParticleSystem = 118
CPhysBox = 119
CPhysBoxMultiplayer = 120
CPhysicsProp = 121
CPhysicsPropMultiplayer = 122
CPhysMagnet = 123
CPhysPropAmmoBox = 124
CPhysPropLootCrate = 125
CPhysPropRadarJammer = 126
CPhysPropWeaponUpgrade = 127
CPlantedC4 = 128
CPlasma = 129
CPlayerPing = 130
CPlayerResource = 131
CPointCamera = 132
CPointCommentaryNode = 133
CPointWorldText = 134
CPoseController = 135
CPostProcessController = 136
CPrecipitation = 137
CPrecipitationBlocker = 138
CPredictedViewModel = 139
CProp_Hallucination = 140
CPropCounter = 141
CPropDoorRotating = 142
CPropJeep = 143
CPropVehicleDriveable = 144
CRagdollManager = 145
CRagdollProp = 146
CRagdollPropAttached = 147
CRopeKeyframe = 148
CSCAR17 = 149
CSceneEntity = 150
CSensorGrenade = 151
CSensorGrenadeProjectile = 152
CShadowControl = 153
CSlideshowDisplay = 154
CSmokeGrenade = 155
CSmokeGrenadeProjectile = 156
CSmokeStack = 157
CSnowball = 158
CSnowballPile = 159
CSnowballProjectile = 160
CSpatialEntity = 161
CSpotlightEnd = 162
CSprite = 163
CSpriteOriented = 164
CSpriteTrail = 165
CStatueProp = 166
CSteamJet = 167
CSun = 168
CSunlightShadowControl = 169
CSurvivalSpawnChopper = 170
CTablet = 171
CTeam = 172
CTeamplayRoundBasedRulesProxy = 173
CTEArmorRicochet = 174
CTEBaseBeam = 175
CTEBeamEntPoint = 176
CTEBeamEnts = 177
CTEBeamFollow = 178
CTEBeamLaser = 179
CTEBeamPoints = 180
CTEBeamRing = 181
CTEBeamRingPoint = 182
CTEBeamSpline = 183
CTEBloodSprite = 184
CTEBloodStream = 185
CTEBreakModel = 186
CTEBSPDecal = 187
CTEBubbles = 188
CTEBubbleTrail = 189
CTEClientProjectile = 190
CTEDecal = 191
CTEDust = 192
CTEDynamicLight = 193
CTEEffectDispatch = 194
CTEEnergySplash = 195
CTEExplosion = 196
CTEFireBullets = 197
CTEFizz = 198
CTEFootprintDecal = 199
CTEFoundryHelpers = 200
CTEGaussExplosion = 201
CTEGlowSprite = 202
CTEImpact = 203
CTEKillPlayerAttachments = 204
CTELargeFunnel = 205
CTEMetalSparks = 206
CTEMuzzleFlash = 207
CTEParticleSystem = 208
CTEPhysicsProp = 209
CTEPlantBomb = 210
CTEPlayerAnimEvent = 211
CTEPlayerDecal = 212
CTEProjectedDecal = 213
CTERadioIcon = 214
CTEShatterSurface = 215
CTEShowLine = 216
CTesla = 217
CTESmoke = 218
CTESparks = 219
CTESprite = 220
CTESpriteSpray = 221
CTest_ProxyToggle_Networkable = 222
CTestTraceline = 223
CTEWorldDecal = 224
CTriggerPlayerMovement = 225
CTriggerSoundOperator = 226
CVGuiScreen = 227
CVoteController = 228
CWaterBullet = 229
CWaterLODControl = 230
CWeaponAug = 231
CWeaponAWP = 232
CWeaponBaseItem = 233
CWeaponBizon = 234
CWeaponCSBase = 235
CWeaponCSBaseGun = 236
CWeaponCycler = 237
CWeaponElite = 238
CWeaponFamas = 239
CWeaponFiveSeven = 240
CWeaponG3SG1 = 241
CWeaponGalil = 242
CWeaponGalilAR = 243
CWeaponGlock = 244
CWeaponHKP2000 = 245
CWeaponM249 = 246
CWeaponM3 = 247
CWeaponM4A1 = 248
CWeaponMAC10 = 249
CWeaponMag7 = 250
CWeaponMP5Navy = 251
CWeaponMP7 = 252
CWeaponMP9 = 253
CWeaponNegev = 254
CWeaponNOVA = 255
CWeaponP228 = 256
CWeaponP250 = 257
CWeaponP90 = 258
CWeaponSawedoff = 259
CWeaponSCAR20 = 260
CWeaponScout = 261
CWeaponSG550 = 262
CWeaponSG552 = 263
CWeaponSG556 = 264
CWeaponShield = 265
CWeaponSSG08 = 266
CWeaponTaser = 267
CWeaponTec9 = 268
CWeaponTMP = 269
CWeaponUMP45 = 270
CWeaponUSP = 271
CWeaponXM1014 = 272
CWorld = 273
CWorldVguiText = 274
DustTrail = 275
MovieExplosion = 276
ParticleSmokeGrenade = 277
RocketTrail = 278
SmokeTrail = 279
SporeExplosion = 280
SporeTrail = 281

Last updated