Parameters: {int} degree (-180 to 180)
[EN] Sets the LBY offset of your fake angle. [RU] Устанавливает LBY-смещение вашего фейк угла.
Parameters: {int} degree (-180 to 180)
[EN] Sets the offset of your Real angle. Your Real angle is relative to your Fake. [RU] Устанавливает смещение вашего реального угла. Ваш реальный угол относительно вашего фейка.
Parameters: {int} degree (-180 to 180)
[EN] Sets the offset of your Fake angle. Fake is the master offset of the AntiAim functions, your Real and LBY are relative to the fake offset. [RU] Устанавливает смещение вашего фейк угла. Fake - это основное смещение функций AntiAim, ваши Real и LBY относятся к фейк смещению.
Parameters: {bool} state
[EN] Returns the anti-aim override state. [RU] Возвращает, изменены ли параметры анти-аимов.
Parameters: {int} state (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)
The values used by AA are updated AFTER each send to the server, you can edit them mid cycle, but they wont apply until the next.
It is recommended to update values in CreateMove callback.
Spamming SetOverride with alternating values is undefined behavior, just spamming it with 1 or 0 is totally fine though.
After disabling a script that uses SetOverride, it will not revert back to the original state, you need to change it before the script is disabled.
The values are offsets to your base yaw, base yaw is affected by the following settings.
Yaw offset
Jitter offset (and thus jitter)
At targets
Auto direction
Manual direction
It is therefor recommended to pay attention and handle this accordingly, disable these settings if your script takes control of it.
Understanding Anti-Aim
Your fake will be used as a master angle, every other setting is relative to your fake angle. The maximum possible angle between your final fake angle and final real angle is 60°. SetFakeOffset's default value (0) will set your head backwards, angles are based off 0° being your origin angle.
[EN] Enables/disables anti-aim overriding. [RU] Включает / отключает изменение параметров анти-аимов.
Last updated
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