

// The following code-block will put your real to the left, your fake backwards, and create an LBY similar to the "opposite" option.

AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(90); // <----- This will offset your Fake LBY similar to the "opposite" setting.

[EN] Sets the LBY offset of your fake angle. [RU] Устанавливает LBY-смещение вашего фейк угла.


// The following code-block will put your real to the left, your fake backwards, and create an LBY similar to the "opposite" option.

AntiAim.SetRealOffset(-30); // <----- This will set your real to -30 degrees (RELATIVE TO YOUR FAKE OFFSET OF 30 THAT WAS SETUP ABOVE).

[EN] Sets the offset of your Real angle. Your Real angle is relative to your Fake. [RU] Устанавливает смещение вашего реального угла. Ваш реальный угол относительно вашего фейка.


// The following code-block will put your real to the left, your fake backwards, and create an LBY similar to the "opposite" option.

AntiAim.SetFakeOffset(30); // <----- This will setup your fake offset.

[EN] Sets the offset of your Fake angle. Fake is the master offset of the AntiAim functions, your Real and LBY are relative to the fake offset. [RU] Устанавливает смещение вашего фейк угла. Fake - это основное смещение функций AntiAim, ваши Real и LBY относятся к фейк смещению.


// The following code-block will print true.


Cheat.Print(AntiAim.GetOverride() + "\n");

[EN] Returns the anti-aim override state. [RU] Возвращает, изменены ли параметры анти-аимов.


  • The values used by AA are updated AFTER each send to the server, you can edit them mid cycle, but they wont apply until the next.

  • It is recommended to update values in CreateMove callback.

  • Spamming SetOverride with alternating values is undefined behavior, just spamming it with 1 or 0 is totally fine though.

  • After disabling a script that uses SetOverride, it will not revert back to the original state, you need to change it before the script is disabled.

  • The values are offsets to your base yaw, base yaw is affected by the following settings.

    • Yaw offset

    • Jitter offset (and thus jitter)

    • At targets

    • Auto direction

    • Manual direction

  • It is therefor recommended to pay attention and handle this accordingly, disable these settings if your script takes control of it.

Understanding Anti-Aim

Your fake will be used as a master angle, every other setting is relative to your fake angle. The maximum possible angle between your final fake angle and final real angle is 60°. SetFakeOffset's default value (0) will set your head backwards, angles are based off 0° being your origin angle.

// The following code-block will put your real to the left, your fake backwards, and create an LBY similar to the "opposite" setting.

AntiAim.SetOverride(1); // <----- This will enable anti-aim overriding.

[EN] Enables/disables anti-aim overriding. [RU] Включает / отключает изменение параметров анти-аимов.

Last updated

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